Friday 27 January 2017

Stella got her groove back

It’s been ages since I have blogged, and again, this means that a lot has been going on in the circus that is my life.
Waiting for so many pieces of the puzzle to fall into place…………the waiting game is a killer though.
I am waiting for my house to be sold (oh how I will miss this beautiful home).
I am waiting for my court date to finalise my divorce.
I am waiting for my new life to begin……….although in retrospect it has already begun…’s just a little stunted as I am still stuck in the same house with my soon to be ex husband.
Once the house is sold, I will be able to move out into my new home.
I realised a few days ago, whilst reflecting as I often do, that I had lost the JOY in my life.
Sometimes we need to step back, stop feeling sorry for ourselves and start being thankful for all the miracles and blessings that fill our lives each day.
Yesterday I woke up with an elated JOY in my heart.
I cannot explain how grateful I am to have this JOY back again.
I almost feel like a healed, whole person again.
I am so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family members who truly care about me enough to keep me in their prayers and positive thoughts.
Once again I am overwhelmed by their support.
So no more whining from me…………I have so much to be thankful for.
Be blessed and have a fantastic JOYOUS day xx

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